Tuesday, November 10, 2009

eeney meeney miney...

It's time for The Creme de la Creme again! I have to admit I like the Roundup Extravaganza better - it's so nice to be relieved of the pressure of choosing your own best post! I am very bad at the choosing. Case in point = this post.

I have narrowed it down to three options but now I'm stuck so I'm asking for input. If you aren't drowning in NaBloPoMo posts and have time to read three more, take a look at these and let me know which one is your favorite.

Thanks to anyone who wades through these and gives me their input! I would be positively thrilled to return the favor if you're having trouble picking your submission. 'Cause you are submitting something, right? ;-)


anofferingoflove said...

Number one. It's a post of yours I remembered without having to re-read (though it's 245a, so I did go read them all). I remember that post really sticking with me on fathers day. I think it's very insightful and thoughtful post and captures a unique aspect of lesbian motherhod.

mommie2be said...

I also love number one - its kind of unexpected, but also makes so much sense when you are in our shoes. So that's my top pick. As pp described, I remembered that post without having to click on the link.

But of course you know I have an affinity towards number 2 as well.

jessie said...


Luisa said...

Number 1 definately. i also remember it from first time around. I think it really eloquently describes the role/non-role that our donors have in our everyday lives but also acknowledges the huge gift they have given us.