Friday, November 5, 2010


That was Elliot's temp when we left for the ER this afternoon. We're home now with all sorts of things ruled out, nothing ruled in, and a fever the meds are barely cutting in half. I'm scared out of my mind. If you have good thoughts to spare, I'd certainly appreciate them.


Anonymous said...

Oh, K how scary! I hope his fever is just a harmless virus or perhpas roseola. I will be thinking of E and hoping to read some good news tomorrow. Hang in there ((hugs))

jessie said...

Definitely scary ad absolutely thinkig of you. Fingers crossed for nothing major

SupersammyG said...

E had a fever of 105 last week. It was really scary and ended up as roseola. We ended up having to alternate tylenol and motrin every 4 hours to keep it down. She had no other syptoms until the rash showed up a few days later. The meds kept it under control but if we let it go past 4 hours it would spike to 102-104. Luke warm baths brought the high fever down right away for us too.

Pomegranate said...

oh, how scary. poor little guy.

i'lm thinking of you and hoping it's something small!

Melissa said...

oh now! That is scary. Sending little Elliot lots of healing vibes :(

nutella said...

On no. Just reading this now. It is a horrible number to see. Hope it is gone by now, but when Miles was that feverish it was a random virus, although it got nearly that high with roseola too. Lukewarm baths and alternating tlyenol and motrin.