We are both so shocked. As cheesy as this sounds, I just can't believe this is happening to us. This is the kind of thing that happens to everyone else, not to us. When I started seeing a second (faintest of faint) line on Sunday, I realized just how much I'd steeled myself for the BFN. Since then, the lines have been darkening slightly, but still not enough to put our minds totally at ease. This morning, we took the plunge and went for the digital. It popped up with "pregnant" in under 30 seconds!
We are happy and excited and humbled and stunned and hopeful and a hundred other good things. I've been feeling pretty optimistic and excited for the past couple of days, but after today's conclusive results, I'm on top of the world.
Thanks to everyone that has cheered us on and sent positive energy when we needed it most. I'm quite certain we couldn't have survived IVF without you!
A million congratulations and heaps of love from Aunt J and Aunt J!!!!! We are over the moon for you two!!!
Whoooooo! Congratulations!
YES!! I'm crying I'm so happy for you! CONGRATULATIONS!! so, so, so deserved.
Yay!!!!!!!!! Woo and hoo !!!!!!!! Have been waiting, was getting the Vee and Jay updates and wondered if you guys were also going out of your minds! Sorry for the ambiguous tests in the meantime but this one is flat out definitive. YAY you.
WAIT - go read your IVF#1 protocol and CHANGE what you entered under july 1, 2008 ...... i know we're all used to typing bfN too much but you got it WRONG this time (YAY!!!!!!!!!!!) so go back and type bfP please!!! :)
LOL! Thanks for the catch, Lizzie. Correction has been made. :-)
Woo!!! We're ecstatic for you both!!!!! And so brave to go right for that digital! We're both so, so pleased.
OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!! K & M, congratulations! I'm so freakin thrilled for you guys, what incredible news! You are going to be great mommies! :-)
You guys deserve it - congrats!
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Found you through Mel's big list. Just wanted to shout Congratulations!!!!!
Silent screaming from an office cubicle in Manhattan directed your way!!! So happy for you both!
Oh yay! Congratulations! I've had good feelings about this since egg retrieval--what a dream come true. Finally.
Oh heavens K! I'm beyond elated for you and M! Congratulations darling. A million congratulations.
CONGRATULATIONS! I could not be happier for you two... er... THREE! I don't post comments often, but I follow your blog religiously. I can't wait to tell Sylvia. SOOOO EXCITING!
Best wishes for a HAPPY and HEALTHY 9 months!
Congratulations!!!! Yay for the BFP boom in lesbian blogland!! Just came across your blog through another and wanted to congratulate you both. I hope it's a very happy and healthy 9 mos!
Congratulations!!! What a beautiful word that pregnant word is. I am excited for all of you.
Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you and looking foward to following your journey from here!
WOW! such huge congratulations to you and M. You both must be absolutely over the moon. Enjoy the celebrations, you deserve some happy. I'm so so happy for you both.
holy crap is right! This is the best news!!!
Oh K! I'm so happy for your family. Congratulations.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I can't imagine how happy you must be, or how surreal it must feel to know that don't have to try to get pregnant anymore...you ARE pregnant!
So so so happy for you both!
hi, i just found your blog (we are new to the ttc online community) and CONGRATULATIONS!
thanks for all you have written, the bits about your folks mirror the tentative excitement my parents are letting bubble out of them as the try to keep it in. and the moment in the amtrak station...
Oh, fun story: I was traveling for work yesterday and I found myself in a cramped, dirty Amtrak station at injection time. I tucked myself into a stall for my daily Lupron and Follistim fix and I couldn't help but wonder how many people had shot up in that very stall before me. It was totally one of those "How did I get here?" moments. Good times.
made me laugh out loud at my desk (ooops). we are preparing to enter the medicated pre-ivf scene and it good to know what we have to look forward to ;)
again, biggest woo-hoo to you both!
Congrats! When will your due date be?
Congratulations a million times over!
I'm SO late to send you some congratulations!! Happy, happy day!
I went out of the counttry and come back to this faublous news. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS TO YOU!!! WOO HOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
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